Saratoga, California (West Valley College Area)

Current Weather Conditions, Maps, and Forecasts

Saturday April 20, 2024; 2:35AM

DISCLAIMER: This is a hobby page. As such, the reliability of this information is not guaranteed, or warranted in any way, including, but not limited to, either for correctness or for fitness for any particular purpose. All risk for the use of this information is assumed by the readers and users of this page, including those who use the results extracted from either this page, or the scripts on which this page relies. Never base decisions that could affect life, property, livelihood, or anything else, on the information contained on this page, whether this informationis locally derived or extracted from other locations on the Internet. This page is the work of an amateur hobbyist with no training in weather forecasting or meterology. As such, these pages could very well contain or convey completely incorrect information!  
Current Conditions
Outside Temperature 52.1°F
Wind Chill 52.1°F
Heat Index 51.1°F
Dew Point 48.0°F
Humidity 86%
Barometer 29.949 inHg
Barometer Trend (3 hours) 0.011 inHg
Wind 0 mph
Rain Rate 0.00 in/h
Garage Temperature 73.8°F
UV Index 0.0
Radiation 0 W/m²


Since Midnight
High Temperature
Low Temperature
56.1°F at 00:00:03
52.1°F at 02:25:53
High Heat Index
Low Wind Chill
55.3°F at 00:00:03
52.1°F at 02:25:53
High Humidity
Low Humidity
87% at 01:23:49
83% at 00:00:03
High Dewpoint
Low Dewpoint
51.0°F at 00:00:03
48.0°F at 02:25:53
High Barometer
Low Barometer
29.957 inHg at 01:09:01
29.943 inHg at 00:00:03
Today's Rain 0.00 in
High Rain Rate 0.00 in/h at 00:00:03
High Wind 0 mph
Average Wind 0 mph
RMS Wind 0 mph
Vector Average Speed
Vector Average Direction
0 mph
High Garage Temperature
Low Garage Temperature
74.2°F at 00:00:59
73.8°F at 02:32:59
High UV
Low UV
0.0 at 00:00:03
0.0 at 00:00:03
High Radiation
Low Radiation
0 W/m² at 00:00:03
0 W/m² at 00:00:03


Rain Year (1-Oct start)
Rain Year Total 21.54 in


Local Radar Loop
Local Radar

Click image for a larger image


Regional Radar Loop
Regional Radar

Click image for a larger image


Hazard Map (from the NWS)
Regional Hazard Map

Click map for more details


Current Weather Outlook
Current Weather Outlook

Click map for a larger image


Low Temperature Outlook
Low Temperature Outlook

Click map for a larger image


High Temperature Outlook
High Temperature Outlook

Click map for a larger image


Santa Clara County Reservoirs
ALERT Reservoir Data


California Major Reservoirs
Major Reservoir Levels


PG&E Electrical Outage Map
PG&E Electrical Outage Map


California Rainfall Totals
NOAA/NWS CA/NV Rainfall totals


California Snowpack Levels
California Snowpack Information


CAL FIRE Incidents
CAL Fire Active Incidents


Weather Networks We Are On
Met Office (UK) Ambient Weather PWS Weather (HamWeather)
Southwestern Weather Network Weather Underground Weather Cloud
WindAlert (Weatherflow) PurpleAir

Weather Forecast

Forecast Created by Experimental Software Written By an Amateur With No Guarantee or Warranty or Promise of Accuracy Provided or Implied! Use at Your Own Risk! You Assume All Risk and Liability If You Use This Information in Any Way, For Any Purpose Whatsoever! See the Disclaimer Given Above!
raw forecast data generated on
Sat, 20 Apr 2024 02:13:03 -0700 (PDT)

Click here for an official National Weather Service forecast! NWS Disclaimer
Mostly Cloudy
Lo 49 °F
 Precp 0% 

Mostly Sunny
Hi 77 °F
 Precp 0% 

Partly Cloudy
Lo 51 °F
 Precp 0% 

Mostly Sunny
Hi 80 °F
 Precp 0% 

Lo 53 °F
 Precp 0% 
Mostly Sunny
Hi 77 °F
 Precp 0% 

Partly Cloudy
Lo 51 °F
 Precp 0% 

Partly Sunny
Hi 68 °F
 Precp 0% 

Friday Night
Low of 49. Partly cloudy through the night. Humidity 83% in the evening, lowering to 82% after midnight. Winds are a light air, S-W at 1-2 mph, gusting to 2 mph.
High of 77. Partly cloudy in the morning, with clouds clearing, to become sunny by the afternoon. Humidity 83% in the morning, lowering to 31% by the afternoon. Winds will be a gentle breeze, NNW-N at 1-12 mph, gusting to a moderate breeze, 2-18 mph. Winds stronger in the afternoon.
Saturday Night
Low of 51. Clear in the evening, with incoming clouds making it partly cloudy after midnight. Humidity 32% in the evening, rising to 82% after midnight. Winds will be a gentle breeze, W-NNW at 3-12 mph, gusting to a moderate breeze, 6-17 mph. Winds weaker in the evening.
High of 80. Partly cloudy in the morning, with clouds clearing, to become sunny by the afternoon. Humidity 79% in the morning, lowering to 40% by the afternoon. Winds will be a light breeze, SSW-N at 2-7 mph, gusting to a gentle breeze, 5-10 mph. Sustained winds stronger in the afternoon.
Sunday Night
Low of 53. Clear in the evening, with a few clouds later making it mostly clear after midnight. Humidity 42% in the evening, rising to 77% after midnight. Winds will be a gentle breeze, S-NNW at 2-8 mph, gusting to a moderate breeze, 3-13 mph. Winds weaker in the evening.
High of 77. Mostly sunny in the morning, with any clouds clearing to become sunny by the afternoon. Humidity 83% in the morning, lowering to 47% by the afternoon. Winds will be a gentle breeze, S-SW at 1-9 mph, gusting to a moderate breeze, 2-14 mph. Winds stronger in the afternoon.
Monday Night
Low of 51. Mostly clear in the evening, with incoming clouds making it partly cloudy after midnight. Humidity 47% in the evening, rising to 80% after midnight. Winds will be a moderate breeze, SSW-SW at 8-13 mph, gusting to 13-18 mph.
High of 68. Partly cloudy through the day. Humidity 86% in the morning, lowering to 65% by the afternoon. Winds will be a gentle breeze, S-SSW at 8-10 mph, gusting to a moderate breeze, 12-15 mph.
Tuesday Night
Low of 49. Mostly clear in the evening, with incoming clouds making it partly cloudy after midnight. Chance of precipitation will be 2%. Humidity 54% in the evening, rising to 80% after midnight. Winds will be a gentle breeze, SW at 7-12 mph, gusting to a moderate breeze, 12-18 mph.
High of 68. Partly cloudy through the day. Chance of precipitation will be 4%. Humidity 83% in the morning, lowering to 65% by the afternoon. Winds will be a gentle breeze, SSW-WSW at 6-8 mph, gusting to a moderate breeze, 8-13 mph.
Wednesday Night
Low of 48. Mostly clear in the evening, with incoming clouds making it partly cloudy after midnight. Chance of precipitation will be 3%. Humidity 54% in the evening, rising to 80% after midnight. Winds will be a moderate breeze, W at 9-13 mph, gusting to a fresh breeze, 14-20 mph.
High of 66. Partly cloudy through the day. Chance of precipitation will be 6%. Humidity 86% in the morning, lowering to 65% by the afternoon. Winds will be a gentle breeze, WSW-WNW at 6-9 mph, gusting to a moderate breeze, 9-14 mph.
Thursday Night
Low of 50. Partly cloudy through the night. Chance of precipitation will be 11%. Humidity 61% in the evening, rising to 83% after midnight. Winds will be a moderate breeze, W-WNW at 12-13 mph, gusting to a fresh breeze, 16-20 mph.
High of 66. Partly cloudy through the day. Chance of precipitation will be 11%. Humidity 86% in the morning, lowering to 72% by the afternoon. Winds will be a gentle breeze, WNW at 9-12 mph, gusting to a moderate breeze, 14-17 mph.

The above Experimental Forecast used the National Weather Service's NDFD XML Feed
for Saratoga, CA
(37.263°N, 122.003°W, NWS Zone CAZ513, NWS County CAC085)

About this weather station:
Latitude: 37° 15.75' N
Longitude: 122° 00.20' W
Altitude: 376 feet

This station uses a Vantage Pro2, controlled by 'WeeWX', an experimental weather software system written in Python. Weewx was designed to be simple, fast, and easy to understand by leveraging modern software concepts.

RSS feed

Smartphone formatted

WeeWX uptime: 3 days, 0 hours, 3 minutes
Server uptime: 3 days, 0 hours, 4 minutes
weewx v5.0.2

Today's Almanac
Start civil twilight: 05:57:50
Sunrise: 06:25:33
Transit: 13:06:44
Sunset: 19:48:33
End civil twilight: 20:16:20
Day Length:13:23
Azimuth: 27.3°
Altitude: -36.8°
Right ascension: 28.7°
Declination: 11.7°
Solstice: 06/20/24 13:51:03
Equinox: 09/22/24 05:43:32
Rise: 17:00:31
Transit: 23:16:28
Set: 05:02:24
Duration Seen:12:02
Azimuth: 253.7°
Altitude: 27.9°
Right ascension: 172.3°
Declination: 4.9°
Full moon: 04/23/24 16:48:55
New moon: 05/07/24 20:21:52
Phase: Waxing gibbous
(89% full)
temperatures heatchill outside humidity rain wind barometer Hi Wind Garage Wind Vector Radiation UV Index day rx percent